Category Archives: News

New pattern: Colorshift

This is my lastest design, Colorshift. It’s is the kind of easy accessory that gets you a whole lot of reward for a small amount of effort – the cherry on top of any vanilla outfit! Click here to queue it on Ravelry Colorshift is knit top-down … Continue reading

Posted in News, Patterns | 3 Comments

Great Northern – Twin Peaks Knitwear!

Only 9 days left to back Great Northern on KickStarter! I was 14 years old in 1990. It was my first year of high school. The wallpaper-esque florals and highlighter bright fashion of the 80’s were beginning to give way to … Continue reading

Posted in News, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Western Auto Shawl & Cowl Patterns

(HINT: Giveaway & flash sale details are at the bottom of the post 😉 I have a tendency get hung up on stitch patterns like a high school crush. I’d seen Jacquard Stitch around and I liked it, but I didn’t, you … Continue reading

Posted in News, Patterns | 6 Comments

Tell your friends about Midwestern Knits and win prizes! Our Midwestern Knits kickstarter is down to the LAST 4 DAYS of the campaign and we need your help in the final push to get this project funded! Here’s how you … Continue reading

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Odd ends…

In winter of 2010 I received these beautiful samples of Twisted Fiber Art Evolution colorways in orders of club yarns.  I always wanted to wear them somehow, but I could never figure out what to make with them — they are only … Continue reading

Posted in News, Patterns, Ravelry | 4 Comments

spots of lots of things.

Wow, entering 2012 has been like being dropped onto a running treadmill… so far I am still upright and running, but I’m hoping for a second wind soon!  I’ve got lots of knitting news to share with you and then … Continue reading

Posted in Food, News, Patterns | 3 Comments

A fresh start and a new pattern…

Welcome to my new home on the net! You may be may be familiar with me under my former business name of Sweet Mama – Small Sugar, but for those who are not, please let me introduce myself. I began … Continue reading

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